FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST MARCH 1941.

4.  The department is again indebted to the Rangoon Turf Club for
its generosity, which this time has taken the form of the presentation
of an Inductotherm, costing Rs. 1,685. This apparatus has been
installed at the Veterinary College, Insein, and has already proved
very useful.

5.  The staff of the department has, with few exceptions, worked
well throughout the year, but it has been necessary to issue a reminder
to the subordinate staff to carry out the requisite amount of touring.
To facilitate this, and at the same time to encourage this staff to take a
greater interest in the practical work in the villages, the amount of
their office work has been appreciably diminished by the elimination or
holding in abeyance of a number of relatively unimportant departmental
forms and returns, the tediously laborious compilation of which had
necessitated much time being spent in their offices which might have
been more profitably spent on tour.

6.   District Officers have again contributed very materially to the
success achieved in the control and prevention of disease, for without
their assistance the work of the department would have been rendered
much more difficult, and this opportunity is taken of expressing thanks
for the help so willingly given.

A number of headmen and other individuals have been suitably
rewarded for assistance rendered. A few others, unfortunately, have
had to be punished by the District Officers for breaches of the
Contagious Diseases Rules.

7. The cost of the department for the year was Rs. 6,02,252,
compared with Rs. 6,00,425 last year.

                                                                   S. R. Rippon,

                                                   Director of Veterinary Services,