Maung Nyun of the Central Subdivision and Maung Kyauk Sein
of Yawnghwe are commended for having done good work and the
Superintendent, North-Eastern Subdivision, again particularly com-
mends Maung Kyaw Hla for his work during the year.

The Superintendent and Political Officer observes in his report
that, " Attempts are on foot to set an example in the matter of
caring for and rearing stock according to modern methods . . . .
It has repeatedly been claimed that the Southern Shan States are a
magnificent field for agriculture but that branch of Shan States
produce has not yet been fully developed. Stock breeding is in my
view an important stage towards establishing the prosperity of these
States where the chief means of transport are still ox-carts, pack oxen
and mules and ponies." A piggery at Thamakhan and a poultry farm
at Heho are said to be working satisfactorily while application for the
lease of a large area near Kalaw is said to have been made for the
establishment of a Dairy Farm.

Veterinary School, Taunggyi.—Veterinary Inspector Maung Po
Ku was in charge throughout the year and has performed his duties
satisfactorily. Of the six pupils under training three are from the
Northern and three from the Southern Shan States and with one
exception (from Mong Nai State) they are paid for by the Chiefs who
selected them for training.

                                                 (2) Other Contagious Diseases.

10. The undermentioned diseases were reported and confirmed by
examination in the laboratory, Insein School, as noted :—

Trypanosomiasis.—Rangoon, Insein, Pegu, Prome, Tharrawaddy,
Bassein, Henzada, Pyapôn, Toungoo, Myitkyina, Falam, Htawgaw,
Karenni, Chin Hills, Katha, Kalewa, Homalin, Bhamo, Laukkhaung,
Shwebo, Kyauksè, Minbu, Gangaw and Lashio.

Several other cases of this disease were also reported from Bhamo,
Pakôkku, Upper Chindwin and Katha Districts but the diagnosis was
not confirmed by microscopical examination as no slides were sent.

Ptroplasmosis.—Rangoon, Insein, Pegu, Prome, Akyab, Allanrnyo,
Toungoo, Myitkyina, Kindat, Mawlaik, Katha, Shwebo, Mônywa,
Yamèthin, Swa, Minbu, Gangaw, and Shwegu.

Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.—Insein, Prome, Moulmein, Bassein,
Toungoo, Mokpalin, Mandalay, Bhamo, Budalin and Mawlaik.

Filariasts.—Rangoon, Insein, Pegu and Pyinmana.

Mange (Demodectic),—Rangoon, Insein and Pegu.

Mange (Sarcoptic).—Rangoon and Insein.

Streptotrichosis.—Rangoon and Insein.

Ankylostomiasis.—Rangoon, Insein and Pyinmana.

                                               (3) Preventive Inoculation.

Table III.

11. In addition to 80 villages in the Amherst district and 83 villages
in the Upper Chindwin district, the two chief centres of rinderpest