materially assisted in organizing the Cattle Shows at Meiktila, Mandalay
and Kyauksè, and assisted the Special Officer in judging at these

2. Mr. J. C. Batlivala, Deputy Superintendent, who was granted a
third year's extension of service, was in charge of the school throughout
the year. In appreciation of his long and meritorious service he was
granted a special pay, sanctioned from the date of Mr. Cameron's
departure on leave. Mr. Batlivala is due to retire on the 9th September
next, previous to which he will avail himself of the amount of leave due
to him.

Sardar Bahadur Bhagwan Singh, Deputy Superintendent, was in
charge of the Military Police ponies up to 16th July when he availed
himself of leave preparatory to retirement. It is with the greatest regret
I have to record his sudden death on August 9th so that he did not live
long to enjoy the pension and rest which he earned after over 40 years
service, 32 of which were spent in Burma.

I take the opportunity of expressing my deep sense of appreciation of
his work. He was not only a thoroughly reliable and hard-working
officer, but cheerfully performed whatever duties were assigned to him.
He had a personality that made him respected alike in his own
community and with others with whom he came into contact. Prior
to his taking leave he inspected the Military Police ponies at the
following stations,—Moulmein, Kamawet, Lashio, Mandalay, Mônywa,
Myitkyina, Waingmaw, and Bhamo. He also visited the Stock Farm
of Mr. C. Stewart at Kalaw.

Deputy Superintendent U Nyan Gyaw returned from sick leave on
the 7th. June, and was posted to Bassein in charge of the Irrawaddy
Division. Unfortunately this officer is in bad health, but has endeavoured
to cope with his duties to the best of his ability.

U Tun Aung, Deputy Superintendent, was in charge of Pakôkku,
Minbu, Magwe, and Thayetmyo Districts with headquarters at Magwe,
and has had hard work before him throughout the year in the suppression
of outbreaks of Rinderpest and in the carrying out of inoculation duties.
Deputy Superintendent U Kyaing, Moulmein, has continued in charge
of the Tenasserim Division. He was confirmed in his appointment with
effect from 1st July 1924. Besides inspecting the Veterinary Inspectors
and Veterinary Assistants under his charge, he paid special attention to
the Siamese border and inspected the caravan routes leading from Siam
to Burma.

During the year three Veterinary Inspectors were promoted to the
grade of Deputy Superintendent on probation.

1. U San Hla was appointed on the 13th October 1924 and continued
in charge of his duties at the Veterinary School, Insein, as lecturer and
laboratory assistant.