2. U Pe Than, Officiating Superintendent, continued to be stationed
at Mandalay. He took over the Veterinary duties of Captain Idle, in
addition to his own, when the latter officer proceeded on leave in March

Mr. J. C. Batlivala, Deputy Superintendent, was in charge of the
Veterinary School, Insein, until the 4th June 1925, when he proceeded
on leave for 3 months and 4 days preparatory to retirement. During
his 34 years' service he had a large share in the training of the majority
of the subordinate staff of the Department and was well liked and
respected by his seniors and juniors alike. He always gave of his best
and will carry with him the best wishes of all with whom he was
associated during the course of his long and meritorious career.

U Tun Aung, Deputy Superintendent, continued in charge of the
Pakôkku, Minbu, Magwe and Thayetmyo Districts with headquarters at

As in the previous year U Nyan Kyaw was in charge of Bassein,
Henzada, Myaungmya, Ma-ubin and Pyapôn Districts with headquarters
at Bassein.

U Kyaing, Deputy Superintendent, was in charge of the Tenasserim
Sub-Circle throughout the year.

U San Hla, Deputy Superintendent, on probation, continued in charge
of his duties at the Veterinary School as Lecturer and Laboratory
Assistant during the year. He was confirmed in his appointment with
effect from the 13th October 1925.

U Pe (2), Deputy Superintendent, on probation, continued to be in
charge of Mandalay, Bhamo, Katha, Myitkyina and Putao Districts with
headquarters at Mandalay till the end of January 1926. He assumed
charge of the Shwebo Sub-Circle with headquarters at Shwebo on the
forenoon of the 4th February 1926. He was confirmed in his appoint-
ment with effect from the 29th November 1925.

U Po Thin, Deputy Superintendent, on probation, was from the
beginning of the year in charge of the Lower and Upper Chindwin,
Sagaing and Shwebo Districts with headquarters at Sagaing. He was
subsequently placed in charge of the Lower Chindwin Sub-Circle
comprising Mandalay, Sagaing, Lower Chindwin, Upper Chindwin and
the Chin Hills with headquarters at Mônywa where he assumed charge
on the forenoon of the 4th February 1926. He was confirmed in his
appointment with effect from the 1st January 1926.

Tables IV &

3. Subordinate Establishment.—During the year there were 11
Veterinary Inspectors (including the Flying Column Inspector) employed
in Lower Burma and 11 Veterinary Inspectors in Upper Burma, one in
the Northern and one in the Southern Shan States, making a total of 24
Inspectors. The Flying Column Veterinary Inspector was engaged in
inoculation work from the beginning of the year to about the middle of
September 1925 in Meiktila and Myingyan Districts. Later he was