Six hundred and Sixteen deaths from the same cause are reported
from Toungoo District, where also inoculation was performed, 3,059
cattle receiving protective doses of serum.

In Amherst District the disease was most severe in Kyaikmaraw
Township, from whence it spread to Mudôn Township. Altogether
there were 331 deaths, inoculation on an extensive scale undoubtedly
keeping the mortality down. Protection in this way was given to 3,865

Anthrax.—The only district where the mortality was heavy was
Mergui, where 208 cattle succumbed. The disease was practically
confined to Mergui Township, where it existed from April to October
and then died out.

Sporadic outbreaks occurred in several townships in Amherst
District but these were easily suppressed.

Foot and Month Disease.—Outbreaks occurred in all districts except
Salween, but in no case were they of a serious nature. The highest
mortality was 61 in Pegu District.

                                   SOUTH-WESTERN CIRCLE.

Table II.

8. Rinderpest.—The disease prevailed with some severity in Bassein,
Tharrawaddy, Prome and Henzada Districts. Bassein District in
particular suffered heavy losses, 4,030 deaths being recorded. Inocula-
tion was carried out on an extensive scale. 9,020 cattle receiving
protection in this manner.

In Tharrawaddy District the mortality was also great, totalling 2,772
head of cattle, the majority occurring in Nattalin, Monyo and Minhla
Townships, where the disease raged from February until October in
spite of the precautions which were taken. The Deputy Commissioner
remarks that " In some parts of the District, however, the lack of waste
land renders the proper segregation of cattle a matter of some difficulty.
In other parts, especially in Monyo Township, the prevalence of floods
renders it practically impossible to segregate diseased animals during
the rains." This is, of course, a serious drawback, as it is necessary for
such animals to be segregated until arrangements have been made for
protective inoculation of incontacts to be carried out.

Prome District lost 1,021 head of cattle while in Henzada District
the disease appeared in 19 villages in Myanaung Subdivision, causing
653 deaths.

Lesser outbreaks occurred in Myaungmya and Ma-ubin Districts,
58 deaths being reported from the Danubyu Township of the latter

Anthrax.—This disease was most severe in Myaungmya District
where 318 deaths amongst cattle were reported. Usually Blackquarter
and Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia are included under the head of Anthrax
owing to the difficulty on the part of villagers and headmen in
differentiating between them.