Foot and Mouth Disease.—Two hundred and fifty-five cases of foot
and mouth disease were reported in the North-Eastern Subdivision,
243 in South-Eastern Subdivision, 12 in Yawnghwe, 285 in Western, and
771 in Central Subdivision.

Segregation and Cattle Disease Rules.—In this connection the Commis-
sioner states : " It is reported that in the Central Subdivision, the majority
of the population, not excluding the headmen, are still not fully alive to
the advantages obtained by having segregation camps and by observing
the cattle disease rules. Though the Chiefs understood the advantages,
they are apathetic. In connection with this, instruction has been given
to the people by the Veterinary Assistants during their tours in the
States. It is hoped that the people will gradually follow the instruction
given. The Assistant Superintendent, Yawnghwe, also holds that the
value of immediate segregation and prophylactic measures generally are
not understood by the majority of the population."

Three Assistants were appointed during the year, making in all 15
Veterinary Assistants employed during the year. They treated 7,674
cattle, attended 243 outbreaks and were out on tour for 1,944 days
(excluding figures for 2 Veterinary Assistants which were not reported).
General.—Maung Po Tu was reported by the Assistant Superinten-
dent, South-Eastern Subdivision, as having " taken great interest in his
work and prosecuted men who had contravened the rules by skinning
their diseased animals and selling their hides."

The Superintendent and Political Officer, Southern Shan States, also
added : " There were eight prosecutions in the Bawmin State of the
Western Subdivision under the Veterinary Rules. The results of these
cases were, however, not reported and it would entail delay to ascertain
the information now. There has been no prosecution for breach of
cattle disease rules in other subdivisions."

                                           (2) Preventive Inoculation.

Table III.

12. Anti-rinderpest inoculations were performed in sixteen districts
in Lower Burma and thirteen districts in Upper Burma. Eighty-six
thousand eight hundred and fifty-live animals were inoculated including
Northern Shan States, viz. 45,728 in Lower Burma, 39,889 in Upper
Burma, and 1,238 in the Northern Shan States ; an increase of 23,650
animals inoculated over last year's figures.

Of the number of animals inoculated, Sagaing tops the list with
10,414, Bassein being second with 9,020.

It is not always possible to ensure that segregation rules are rigidly
adhered to and it is, therefore, the more encouraging to observe that in
many districts the people themselves are showing more willingness to
co-operate with the district authorities in stamping out disease.

The Deputy Commissioner, Shwebo, remarks : " The rules of segrega-
tion were strictly enforced and inoculation was taken kindly by the people "
while the Deputy Commissioner, Sagaing, observes : "it is, however,