It was decided to issue the vaccine for general inoculation of
elephants in the areas where anthrax occurs annually and a series of
demonstrations were arranged during March to instruct members of
the firms concerned in the technique of the inoculation procedure.

The arrangements were expedited in order to allow of vaccination
being carried out in the rest period during the hot weather. Two
thousand eight hundred and ten doses of vaccine were issued for
elephants up to the end of March.

An experimental batch of twelve buffaloes in the Pyinmana area and
60 cattle at the Agricultural College Farm, Mandalay, were inoculated
under jungle conditions and gave satisfactory results.

The details of these tests are in the course of publication as an
interim report in a Departmental Bulletin.

Remarks.—Owing to the frequent changes in staff at the Research
Laboratory it was not possible to arrange a satisfactory programme of
Research work during the year. Captain Idle who was in charge
during the early part of the year had in addition charge of the Veterinary
School and the South-Eastern and South-Western Circles.

The purchase of the stores and equipment from England for the
Laboratory which has been under consideration for some time was
unfortunately not arranged for during the year and arrangements must
be made early in the coming year to ensure that the necessary equip-
ment will be available when the additional Research Staff is appointed.

                       SECTION IX.—REORGANISATION OF THE

The reorganisation proposals outlined in last year's report were
given further consideration during the year under review and after a
considerable amount of discussion and correspondence have been
submitted to Government.

Veterinary College.—It is anticipated that this sanction will be
accorded in time to allow of the Insein Veterinary College being opened
for training of students about the middle of the year. As no students
have been recruited in 1927 the urgency of commencing the training of
a batch of students in Veterinary Science to fill vacancies which will
occur during the next few years will be apparent. The appointment of
lecturers for the first year training is being arranged for.

Class I Service.—It is proposed to recruit two Veterinary Graduates
to this service early in the coming year to fill the vacant posts of
Principal of the College and Research Officers, The candidates will
possess European qualifications and if possible have training in
Laboratory technique and academic teaching. The recruit to the
Research appointment will be required to specialise in field research
work in problems connected with diseases of working animals.