ON THE

                                             Veterinary Department, Burma

                                  For the Year ending the 31st March 1931.

                               CHAPTER I—STAFF ORGANISATION.

The Director of Veterinary Services, Mr. D. T. Mitchell, held
charge of the Department throughout the year.

South-Eastern Circle (consisting of the Districts of Amherst, Thatôn,
Salween, Tavoy, Mergui, Toungoo, Pegu and Hanthawaddy with
headquarters at Moulmein).—The headquarters of this circle and the
South-Western Circle were at Insein up to 5th November 1930, during
which time Mr. Rippon, I.V.S., was in charge of both circles.

Mr. S. R. Rippon, M.R.C.V.S., I.V.S., held charge of the South-
Eastern Circle during the year and he was assisted by 1 Veterinary
Superintendent at Moulmein, 4 Veterinary Inspectors, 2 Frontier
Veterinary Inspectors, 39 Veterinary Assistants, and 3 Frontier
Veterinary Assistants.

South-Western Circle (consisting of Bassein, Henzada, Myaungmya,
Maubin, Pyapôn, Prome, Tharrawaddy and Insein Districts).—Mr. S. R.
Rippon, M.R.C.V.S., I.V.S., held additional charge of this circle until
the 20th December 1930, when Mr. J. Birkenshaw Idle, M.R.C.V.S.,
I.V.S., on return from leave (ex-India) took over charge of the circle
and from this date the headquarters of the circle was changed from
Insein to Bassein. Mr. J. Birkenshaw Idle, M.R.C.V.S., I.V.S., had
under him 1 Veterinary Superintendent at Bassein, 4 Veterinary
Inspectors, 2 Flying Column Veterinary Inspectors and 39 Veterinary

Central Circle (comprising of the Districts of Meiktila, Kyauksè,
Yamèthin, Myingyan, Magwe, Minbu, Thayetmyo and Pakôkku) with
headquarters at Meiktila.—Mr. J. Birkenshaw Idle, M.R.C.V.S., I.V.S.,
was in charge of the circle until the 11th April 1930, on which date he
proceeded on leave (ex-India), and thereafter U Nyan Gyaw, G.B.V.C.,
Veterinary Superintendent, officiated as Deputy Director of Veterinary