FOR THE YEAR ENDING THE 31ST MARCH 1931.                       5

Pakôkku Veterinary Dispensary.—One thousand two hundred and
ninety cases were treated at the dispensary during the year. These
included 8 in-patients. Medicine was supplied for 656 cases which
could not be brought to the dispensary. The daily average of cases
treated works out at 5.7. No castrations were performed at this
dispensary. The majority of the cases treated at the Myingyan and
Pakôkku Dispensaries were animals from the Municipal area.

General Mortality.—A statement showing the total mortality recorded
from all diseases is given in the appendices. The percentage
mortality in each circle should, in the absence of devastating epizootics,
be more or less the same, and wide variations, such as are shown for
Arakan, indicate that mortality is generally not being recorded there.
The same remarks apply in a lesser degree to the Northern Circle.
The very low figures for the total percentage mortality in the
Province indicate that only a small proportion of the deaths which occur
are recorded by the headmen and many years must elapse before an
approximately accurate record can be prepared from figures submitted.


               Occurrence, Methods of Spread and Control Measures.


Rinderpest was present throughout this circle during the year except
in the Salween, Tavoy and Mergui Districts. The total number of
deaths recorded was 1,288. Serum inoculation was carried out on
14,791 head of cattle. Amherst District suffered most severely, altogether
22 villages being involved with a total mortality of 895. The serum
inoculation of animals carried out in this district alone was 7,233.

Foot-and-Mouth Disease.—The disease occurred in all districts
in the circle with the exception of Salween and Tavoy, the total
mortality recorded during the year being 27. The only method of
control adopted was segregation, but this could not be applied in the
flooded areas in the Toungoo District. The number of cases treated by
Veterinary Assistants at outbreaks was 6,455.

Anthrax.—The recorded mortality for the year was 33, Salween and
Amherst being the only districts which were reported to be free from
anthrax. This disease has not occurred in the Salween District for the
past two years.

Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia was reported from Mergui, Pegu and
Thatôn. Suspected outbreaks of hæmorrhagic septicæmia occurred in
Thatôn District and immediate measures for segregation were taken, but
on blood smear examination being carried out the results proved negative.