The factors concerned in the production of swellings in 1930 were
eliminated as far as possible and Calcium Lactate in doses of 2 ounces
daily was administered to a proportion of the inoculated animals before
and during the reaction. Some of the groups of elephants had not been
immunised during the previous year.

No ill effects were noted in these animals and the local swellings
except in rare cases did not exceed a few inches in diameter. The
effect of dosing with Calcium Lactate was not sufficiently striking to
warrant its general use but there was evidence to show that it exercised
some effect in controlling serous effusions and local swellings at the
site of the inoculation.

These results were considered to be sufficiently good to warrant the
introduction on a wider scale during the ensuing year and arrangements
are being made accordingly.

Anthrax Vaccination in Cattle and Buffaloes.—Three hundred and
nine buffaloes and 656 cattle were immunised with spore vaccine during
the year in areas where anthrax was actually present at the time of the
inoculation or in which heavy losses had been experienced in previous
years. The results of the inoculations were not reported in all groups
of animals vaccinated but no ill effects from the vaccination have been
recorded and the resulting immunity has been satisfactory.

The majority of the buffaloes inoculated were the property of
contractors working for timber firms and the inoculations were carried
out to prevent the disease spreading to neighbouring groups of

                            RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.

Animal Mortality during the year.—The total recorded mortality
in stock from all causes was 79,558 or 1.2 per cent. of the cattle and
buffalo population of Burma. This figure may be accepted only as
indicating the margin of error in the statistical returns of general
mortality. Six or 8 per cent. might probably be more correct figures.
The figures for mortality from contagious diseases are somewhat
more reliable.

(A) CONTAGIOUS DISEASES.—The total recorded deaths from
contagious disease during the year was 8,360. This figure is a decrease
of 967 on last year's totals. Rinderpest accounted for 5,281 of these
deaths which represents a decrease on the 1929-30 figures of 1,195.

Rinderpest has been completely eradicated from Arakan and re-
infection was successfully prevented during the year. In the remaining
circles with the exception of the South-Western Circle there has been