FOR THE YEAR ENDING THE 31ST MARCH 1931.                21

As a result, the head office in Rangoon is now able to keep in
touch with current developments in the districts and is able to exercise
direction which was not possible previously.

The Department is now only settling down to co-ordinated duties
and the stage where each circle officer organised his charge as a
separate unit is ceasing to exist.

Additional clerical staff for circle officers is an essential to further
development. At present the records of service of the subordinate
staff, the payment of their salary and other bills, questions in connec-
tion with leave, pension, etc., etc., are dealt with in the office of the
Deputy Commissioner and the system has been found to have many

Propaganda.—It was not possible to act on the orders of
Government in the resolution on the 1929-30 report in regard to the
publication of leaflets for propaganda work as the instructions were
transmitted only after the close of the year under report. This work
will be undertaken during the coming year. A handbook for cattle
owners consisting of a series of short articles on veterinary subjects by
Departmental officers was compiled during the year and is now in
course of publication.

I have to express my thanks to District Officers throughout the
Province who have, by their co-operation and in many cases personal
assistance, contributed very largely to the successful carrying out of the
duties of the Department.

I have also to thank all members of the Veterinary Staff for their
work during the year and in particular I would mention the following

U Tun Hlaing, Veterinary Inspector, Research, for assistance
rendered to me during demonstrations of anthrax vaccination on
elephants and for reliable inoculation work and supervision in
rinderpest and anthrax tests under field conditions.

U Aung Tun U, Veterinary Superintendent, Akyab, for bringing the
Rinderpest epizootic in Arakan to a successful conclusion at the
beginning of the year 1930.

U Nyan Kyaw, Veterinary Superintendent, Central Circle, for
satisfactorily carrying out the duties of a Circle Officer while he
officiated in the Central Circle and for his enthusiastic work during that

Mr. S. R. Rippon, I.V.S., Deputy Director of Veterinary Services,
South-Eastern Circle, for the efficient and successful discharge of his
Circle duties and for his helpful co-operation in matters relating to
circle administration.

                                                                        D. T. MITCHELL,

                                                         Director of Veterinary Services.