35.  Other contagious diseases.—Twenty-two deaths were
recorded under this head, including 10 from fowl cholera.


36.  Rabies,—Sixty-two deaths from rabies in dogs were
reported during the year against 45 in 1922-23. But this is very
much below the real figures, as the reporting of rabid animals is
not compulsory.

                                     TABLE III.

                     PREVENTIVE INOCULATION.

37.  Details of inoculations performed against the contagious
diseases are shown in Table III. This work was carried on with
great energy in the North Bihar Range, where 45,008 cattle were
protected in 259 outbreaks. In the Orissa Range, during the
five months—November to March—13,498 inoculations were
performed. This is satisfactory, and it is hoped that the number
protected will be further increased when the people are made
aware that a veterinary staff is available to help them. Addi-
tional assistants and supervising staff are urgently required in
this backward area.

38.  The total number of inoculations carried out during the
year was 145,593 against 159,325 in 1922-23 and 123,387 in
1921-22. The decrease is attributable to a healthier year, as
indicated by the smaller number of reports received, and also to
climatic conditions which were more favourable. Opposition
is still met with in some districts, more especially in Patna,
Bhagalpur and Darbhanga.

39.  Rinderpest.—Inoculations against rinderpest were
performed in all districts, except Cuttack and Balasore, the total
number protected by the " serum alone " method being 107,681,
as compared with 113,190 in the previous year. The largest
number, i.e., 18,235 inoculations were carried out in Gaya,
Champaran occupying second place with 17,257 inoculations,
while 9,775 were done in Hazaribagh. Four hundred and fifty-
nine inoculated cattle died, against 573 in the year 1922-23, the
death rate among the inoculated being about 4 per cent.

40.  Mcemorrhagic Septicemia.—Inoculation against this
disease by the " serum alone " method was carried out in all
districts. Altogether 33,937 animals were protected in 239