72. Accommodation for the laboratory the work in which is
increasing rapidly, is causing considerable inconvenience, as the
room which was suitable two years ago is now not large enough,
for the work that is being done, or for any experiments being
carried out. Suitable accommodation for experimental animals
and for the attendants who must be present with them is also
urgently needed. Plans for a research laboratory suitable for post-
graduate training of the assistants are in preparation and will be
put up with the plans and estimates for the college. The atten-
tion of Government is drawn to the necessity of making provision
for such training, because under existing conditions, the Bengal
Veterinary college is unable to teach our students, and the best
that can be done is to send two men a year to Madras; as the
staff is increasing at the rate of ten a year it will be seen that
post-graduate training for about 98 per cent, is out of the ques-
tion. Twenty men a year at least should receive such training.
Every officer, European and Indian, requires these eourses perio-
dically, and in the interests of livestock owners, they should
take them ; by doing so their value would be enormously
increased. Similarly research is necessary to progress, but
there is no means of carrying it out in any of the throe eastern
provinces inspite of the enormous numbers of cattle in them and
the monetary losses which result through failure to take proper
and widespread preventive measures. There is not the least
doubt that this province with proper organization and improve-
ment of the milking capacity of its local cows, could easily supply
the milk required in Calcutta and the coal-fields, but to fail to
take precautions against preventible disease breaking out among
the improved cattle through want of foresight in providing facili-
ties for research would be a grave error of judgment, and in
opposition to the practice adopted in all progressive countries.

                           GENERAL REMARKS.

73. The Departmental Manual was published and distributed
during the year and meets a long felt want. The work of the
staff on the whole has been satisfactory and I take this opportu-
nity of acknowledging the readiness with which it has carried
out its duties The head office staff under Babu Digbijoy Roy
Chowdhury worked satisfactorily.

                                 D. QUINLAN,M.R.C.V.S, I.V.S.,
                            Director, Civil Veletinary Department,
                                                            Bihar and Orissa.