14.   Training at the Bengal Veterinary College.—Twelve
students joined the college during the year compared with 19 in
192(5-27. All of them were matriculates. Nine boys were
granted stipends by local bodies, two by Government and one
went as private student.

15.  At the close of the year the number of Bihar and Orissa
students on the roll was 53 against 66 in 1926-27, and of these
35 were Hindus, 13 Muhammadans and 5 Indian Christians.
According to nationality, there were 37 Biharis, 9 domiciled
Bengalis, 2 Oriyas and 5 Chota Nagpuris.

16.  The following table shows the results of the annual
examinations in respect of the Bihar and Orissa students :—




Remarks .

" A "




"B ''








Total ...



17.   post- Graduate Training.—Three subordinate officers
were deputed to the Madras Veterinary College, all of whom
passed. Special Officer Mr. Muhammad Ismail Malik and the
laboratory assistant of Cuttack, Babu J. N. Mukharji, also went
through a six months' course of training at the Imperial Institute
of Veterinary Research, Muktesar.

18.  Professional Examination.—As usual, the half-yearly
professional examinations for subordinate officers were held in
April and October 1927. Mr. Quinlan being on tour, I acted as
President of the Board on both occasions, and Babu Nilmoni
Chatterji as 2nd Examiner in addition to his duties as Secretary.
23 veterinary assistant surgeons including those who failed in
previous examinations appeared, and out of them. 12 passed.

                         TRAINING IN ENGLAND.

19.  The second State Veterinary scholar, Mr. S. K. Sen,
who joined the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, London,
was promoted to the second year class. His work during the
year was satisfactory as reported by the High Commissioner for