49. In spite of repeated reminders issued local bodies have
in many cases failed to meet the entire cost of serum supplied
while some of them have approached Government for redemp-
tion which has resulted in heavy outstanding at the close of the
year. Some kind of decision should be arrived at in this
connection, and it is satisfactory to note that it is now under the
consideration of Government. Their decision is being anxiously

                                    TABLE IV.


50.  The total number of veterinary assistant surgeons on
touring duty was 92 against 97 employed in 1926-27. It includes
those assistants who held charge of the hospitals at Ranchi,
Begusarai, Dinapur and Palamau.

51.  In North Bihar two new posts of second touring
assistant surgeons for the Gopalganj and Samastipur subdivisions
were filled during the year. The post of 2nd touring assistant
surgeon for the Begusarai subdivision, which was created last
year, was converted into one of hospital assistant surgeon. The
question of construction of small veterinary dispensaries in
outlying stations of Purneah district is now under the considera-
tion of the district board.

52.  In the Central range, only one post of third touring
assistant surgeon for Aurangabad subdivision was sanctioned but
could not be filled as the district board was unable to meet the
expenditure for want of budget provision. A proposal for the
creation of a post of touring assistant surgeon by Government
for the long neglected Jamtara subdivision of the Santal
Parganas district is now under consideration. None of the posts
mentioned in previous year's report viz. at Bhagalpur, Banka,
Barhi (Hazaribagh) and Patna City could be created owing to
shortage of funds at the disposal of the local bodies concerned.

53.   In Orissa range, the post of 2nd touring assistant
surgeon for the Angul sadr subdivision, which was created last
year, was filled. During the year two additional posts, one for
Bhadrak and another for Manbhum sadr subdivision, were
sanctioned; but owing to shortage of officers only the latter
post could be filled.

54.  The quarters for the touring assistant surgeon and
the menial staff of the Phulbani veterinary dispensary were
completed during the year, while the proposal for the construction