11.The major part of the additional work for improve-
ments to the newly-built Range office at Cuttack was carried
out, while the question of electric installation for the buildings
is still under consideration. It is also proposed to construct
a set of quarters for the reserve veterinary assistant surgeons
and a few sheds for housing animals for experimental
purposes in the office compound.


12.Bihar and Orissa Veterinary College.-Credit is due to
the Public Works Department for pushing on with the construc-
tion work of all buildings including the residences of the
Principal and Professors with the result that all construction
work with a few minor exceptions was completed by the end of
the year. Messrs. Mansfield and Son of Calcutta also collected
materials at the site according to the terms of their contract and
will finish the work of fitting and connections for the internal
water-supply, etc., before the 1st July 1929. It was, however
found impossible to do much with regard to the water-supply
and sanitation and also electric installation to the buildings due to
lack of funds and as more time was required for the preparation
of the necessary schemes. In addition to this, the two most
important posts, that of the Principal and Professor of Pathology
and Bacteriology and Research Officer, could not be filled as the
Selection Committee in London failed to recruit them on the
terms offered by Government. For these, reasons the opening
of the college had to be postponed until next year, i.e., the 1st
July 1930.

13.Mr. A. D. MacGregor, F.R.C.V.S., I.V.S., Principal of the
Bengal Veterinary College, originally applied for the post of
Principal of the Patna Veterinary College, hut he ultimately
withdrew his candidature and it has therefore been necessary
to consider fresh proposals for the recruitment of the Principal.
Steps are also being taken for the appointment of a Professor
of Pathology and Bacteriology and Research Officer on revised
terms. Both posts will be advertised in India as well as the
United Kingdom. It is necessary for these officers to join their
respective appointments at least five months in advance of actual
opening of the college.

14.A selection board was constituted at Patna for inter-
viewing candidates for the posts of Indian professors and
lecturers. Its recommendations are now before Government.