

Mr. G. N. Roy Chaudhury,
G.B.V.C., Professor of
Surgery and Obstetrios.

1st April 1930.


Mr. J. M. Lahiri, M.R C.V.S.,
Professor of Anatomy and

5th May 1930.


Mr. M. B. Bose, M.SC.,
Lecturer on Biology and

1st January 1930.


Mr. S. I. H. Akbari, G.B.V.C.,
Lecturer in Materia Medica
and Therapeutics.

1st April 1930.

19.   Of these officers, the first three were appointed on
contract on special rates of pay while the two lecturers were
appointed permanently but on fixed pay of Rs. 250 per month
each. The two Professors of Surgery and Obstetrics, and
Anatomy and Physiology, as well as the Lecturer in Materia
Medica and Therapeutics received practical training preliminary
to their appointments.

20.  Arrangements were also made during the year for
filling up the posts of subordinate professional staff, the clerical
as well as the menial staff required for the college. Most of
these posts have since been filled.

21.  The college has been opened with effect from the 1st
July 1930.

22.  Training at the Bengal Veterinary College.—The Bihar
and Orissa students continued their studies at this college for
another session on condition that they would all rejoin the new
veterinary college at Patna from 1st July 1930.

23.  Thirteen students, all matriculates, joined the college
against tea in the previous year. Of these, nine were granted
stipends by local bodies, three by Government and one by Bettiah

24.  The total number of Bihar and Orissa students on the
roll was 36 against 53 in the year 1928-29.

Of these, 25 were Hindus, 6 Muhammadans and 5 Indian
Christians, and by nationality, 24 were Bihari, 5 Chota Nagpuri,
5 Oriya and 2 Bengali. The total number included 34 stipen-
diaries (viz. 27 district board, 6 Government and 1 Bettiah Raj).