95. Johne's disease and contagious abortion.—Cases of
Johne's disease and bovine contagious abortion were found to
be in existence at the Mongbyr Dairy Farm. During the year
11 weak and emaciated cattle were selected and put to the test
for detection of Johne's disease. Of these, three re-acted, while
three others showed symptoms of slight re-action. As one of
these mild re-actors subsequently died materials taken from same
were examined in the laboratory with the result that they proved
positive. Two other animals not included in the above number
also died and showed clinical symptoms of the disease resembling
those of Johne's disease but laboratory examination of the
materials from them did not reveal the presence of acid-fast
organism. To remove all doubt, arrangements were then made
to test the whole herd. Thi9 work could not however be finished
within the year.

There were three cases of bovine contagious abortion at the
farm though materials from one only proved positive on agglu-
tination test. 92 non-pregnant and grown up heifers were
therefore vaccinated with bovine contagious abortion vaccine.

96.  Demonstrations at the Patna Farm.—In connection
with the " Serum Simultaneous " method of inoculation against
rinderpest which was carried out at Patna Farm all the veterinary
inspectors of the Central and North Bihar Ranges were brought
together to witness the operation.

                                CHAPTER VIII.


97.  The expenditure on the department as shown in the
table amounted to Rs. 7,17,511-8-6 compared with Rs. 7,14,114-
13-0 in the previous year. Of this, a sum of Rs. 4,19,251-2-6
was spent by Government and the balance Rs. 2,98,260-6-0 by
the local bodies.

The figures shown under "Provincial " are given from the
statement of the Accountant-General while those shown under
" Local " were collected from the local bodies concerned.

Compared with the total provincial revenues, * the expendi-
ture incurred by Government during the year amounts
approximately to .52 per cent.

98.  The total revenue of the department during the year
was Rs. 3,26,552-13-11 including Rs. 27,064-1-0 derived from
the Patna Cattle Breeding Farm.

The expenditure under each head is shown in table XIV(A).

                                * Based on revised estimate.