October last. It is necessary to have this room fitted up with
water and gas connections and steps have been taken for same.
Most of the necessary appliances were purchased during the year.
Milk test is daily carried out in this Laboratory. Samples of
milk from the cows of the Government Cattle Farm are collected
in such a way that milk of each cow is tested once a week and
a permanent record is being kept of same. Practical instruc-
tions in milk inspection were given to the students in this
Laboratory and at the Patna Dairy.

22. The Cantonment, Military and Municipal slaughter
bouses at Dinapur were utilised for the purpose of giving
demonstration to the students on meat inspection and my thanks
are due to the Municipal, Military and Cantonment authorities
for allowing the use of the slaughter houses.

                      VETERINARY HOSPITAL.

23.  General.—The college hospital and dispensary was
opened on the 1st August 1930. The Professor of Surgery was
placed in charge of the hospital ward while Babu B. M. Prashad,
G.B.V.C., and Babu R. P. Singh, G.B.V.C., acted respectively as
Hospital Surgeon and compounder. The dogward commenced
admitting patients from 23rd August 1930.

24. Treatment.—Since 1st August 1930 to 31st March
1931, 1,360 patients (105 in and 1,255 out) were treated at
this hospital, 414 operations were performed, and 107 specimens
were sent for bacteriological and pathological examination to
the Laboratory. A few dogs were also inoculated against

In the month of December, 12 horses suffering from
Influenza were admitted as in-patients. They had contracted
the disease from Calcutta. The epidemic was severe but all of
them recovered as a result of treatment at the hospital.

25.  Experimental treatment was undertaken for certain
diseases specially ' Jhanak ' amongst working bullocks, a
disease resembling string halt in horses, contracted tendons
in horses, deep seated sinuses and abscesses, etc.

26.  Demonstrations. —The senior students were given full
facilities to assist in operation work and in dressing cases;
they also received special training in giving intravenous
injection in Nasal Granuloma cases. They further received
practical training in inoculation work.

27. Shoeing forge.—The shoeing forge was not opened at
the commencement partly owing to there being not sufficient