payment. The board ultimately withdrew their orders. The
question of realizing fees for inoculation from persons who are
capable of payment has also been raised by the district board,
Muzaffarpur. It is now under the consideration of Government.


77.   Opening of new dispensaries.—Due to financial strin-
gency, nothing could be done in respect of creation of new posts
of touring veterinary assistant surgeons ; on the contrary, one
of the six such posts, viz., Ramgarh in the Hazaribagh district,
the entire cost of which was being borne by Government, was
abolished from 1st March 1932, the incumbent of the post being
absorbed in the department. For the same reason two more
probationary assistant surgeons had to make room for two
permanent assistants (who reverted from the college) with effect
from the above date.

78.  The district board, Monghyr, also resolved to abolish
the two posts of second touring veterinary assistant surgeons,
Begusarai and Jamui, and so did the district council, Sambalpur,
with regard to their sadr touring veterinary assistant surgeon.
In both cases the necessity for retention of the posts was
thoroughly explained to the chairmen but it was chiefly through
the intervention of the District Officers that they agreed to re-
consider the matter. The district council have since withdrawn
their resolution but that of the district board, Monghyr, is still
under consideration.

79.  From what has been said above, it follows that there
was no change in the number of veterinary assistant surgeons
employed on touring duty up to the end of February, the total
number of such assistants having been again 96 as in the previous
year. It is however satisfactory to note that the district board,
Ranchi was able to remove a long-felt want by having the post
of first touring veterinary assistant surgeon in charge of the
hospital converted into one of stationary veterinary assistant
surgeon with effect from 1st April 1932.

80.  Construction of dispensaries.—As in the case of the estab-
lishment, none of the local bodies could launch upon any fresh
project either for construction of new veterinary dispensaries,
or for effecting any material improvement of the existing

81.   Work of touring veterinary assistant surgeons.—In
consequence of the retrenchment which took partial effect as
early as December 1931, restrictions had to be placed on the
touring of the veterinary assistant surgeons by reducing the
prescribed number of days to be spent on tour from 20 to 15