Veterinary Department, Hyderabad-Deccan, and 1 from Baudh
State who were deputed for post-graduate training, attended the
course, and all were awarded certificates of proficiency on its

36.  Hostels.—With a few exceptions in the case of students
of the ordinary course, all resided in the college hostels. Their
general health was satisfactory. One old student of the first
year class proceeded on medical leave from 19th October 1933,
and could not return.

Lecturer, Mr. M. B. Bose, took over charge of Warden ship
from Dr. A. 0. Chaudhuri with effect from the 4th July 1933,
and held it up to the 20th idem when he was relieved by Mr.
G. N. Roy Chaudhuri, the Professor of Surgery. The latter officer
continued to discharge the duties of Warden for the remaining
period of the session.

37.  Library.—New books worth Rs. 433 were purchased
for the library. The total number of books in stock including
the books for district hoard and Government stipendiaries
amounted to 630 on the 31st March 1934.

33. Hygiene, Anatomy, Materia Medica and Chemistry
Sections.—The work of these sections was satisfactory.
Dr. A. 0. Chaudhuri, Professor of Hygiene, besides carrying out
his usual duties, presented for publication a paper entitled
"Mineral Requirements in relation to Milk Yield in Dairy
Cows" and also prepared a monograph on the breeds of cattle
in India.

39. Veterinary hospital.—Mr. G. N. Roy Chaudhuri, the
Professor of Surgery and Obstetrics, continued to supervise the
work of the college hospital.

40. During the year, altogether 3,363 patients were treated
at the hospital as against 2,665 treated during 1932-33. The
number included 2,062 operations with 1,548 intravenous
injections and 235 castrations. Of these, 395 were in-patients
including 88 cruelty cases. 156 pathological specimens were
also sent to the laboratory for examination. 17 dogs bitten
by rabid animals were treated at the hospital by subcutaneous
injection of Anti-rabic Vaccine with satisfactory results.

41. Training of compounders.—A sowar of the Mounted
Military Police, Arrah, was deputed to the college for training
as compounder-dresser and attended the hospital for six
months from the 9th October 1933 to the 8th April 1934.

42. Shoeing Forge.—191 horses were shod at the Forge
against 259 of the preceding year. To encourage better shoeing
amongst ekka and hackney carriage ponies as well as cases
prosecuted under the Cruelty to Animals Act, the rates of