getting infected by contact with the diseased before the
immunity could be established. The detailed results of these
experiments will be found in statement A and B.

60. The above results were, however, very encouraging,
especially in view of the longer immunity the new method gives,
and it is in contemplation to adopt the method in face of actual
outbreaks with due precautions, along with the operations done
in the absence of an outbreak.

61. Arrangements for obtaining the tattooing machines
with figures etc., for purposes of record were completed during
the year, and the Range Officers were requested to include one
machine for each dispensary in its annual indent.

62.  " Serum Simultaneous " Inoculation.—56 cattle
belonging to the Dairy herd of the Tata Iron and Steel Com-
pany, Jamshedpur, were immunised by the " Serum
Simultaneous Method " against rinderpest, and the result was

63.  Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia.—The virulence of this
disease not being severe as already stated, it was not necessary
to carry out inoculations as extensively as in the previous year.
The number of animals protected by the " serum alone "
method against hæmorrhagic septicæmia was 33,491, under-
taken in 184 outbreaks, in addition to 14,341 animals protected
with the vaccine, or a total of 47,832 animals, compared with
61,820 done by both the methods in the year 1933-34.

As in the case of rinderpest, the Central Range gave the
lead in inoculation against hæmorrhagic septicæmia also, as
out of the total number of 47,832 as many as 32,649 were done
in that range, and this includes 11,538 animals protected with

17 animals out of the inoculated died of the disease the
death rate being approximately 03 per cent.

64. Anthrax.—Protection with anti-anthrax serum was
given to 6,343 animals, as compared with 2,466 done in 1933-34.
The work was undertaken in 37 outbreaks occurring in 10 dis-
tricts. In addition, 49 horses were also protected in 2 out-
breaks. Of the total number, 8 animals including 1 horse
died, giving a percentage of 12 death.

65.  Blackquarter.—Altogether 4,575 animals were
protected against blackquarter with serum, vaccine, and
aggressin in 10 outbreaks, as compared with 5,533 protected
in 24 outbreaks in the preceding year. Only 1 death occurred
among the inoculated showing a percentage of 02 death.