Type Government quarters and their general health was satis-
factory. Lecturer, Mr. M. B. Bose acted as warden for the
session. The stock of the College library books was further
increased by fresh purchases and also by the presentation of
19 text books for use of the stipendiary students made by
the chairman of the district board of Hazaribagh, to whom
thanks are due.

37.  Veterinary Hospital.—Professor G. N. Boy Chaudhuri
held charge of the College Veterinary Hospital up to the middle
of April 1935 after which, on account of certain irregularities
noticed in its management, the hospital was placed under the
supervision of Mr. S. I. H. Akbari, Lecturer of Materia Medica
and Therapeutics. 3,324 animals were treated at the hospital
during the year as against 3,673 in the year 1934-35. Out of
the number 512 including 143 cruelty cases were inpatients.
In addition 186 castrations were done and 199 pathological
specimens were sent to the laboratory for examination. Treat-
ment of Mastitis in cows by intravenous injection of Calcium
Gluconate, of continuous fever in some dog patients by oral
administration of stovarsal and also a case of equine piroplos-
mosis by the use of Antimosan was undertaken and the results
were encouraging. The rabid dog ward was removed and placed
near the Anatomy Block. Nine dogs received anti-rabic treat-
ment at the hospital, 306 horses were shod at the College
shoeing forge against 279 of the preceding year. During the
year Government were pleased to sanction the addition of rid-
ing classes for persons other than the students for a nominal
fee of Rs. 10 per month.

38.  The live stock owners of the neighbourhood brought 86
cows for service by the stud bull at the college hospital against
81 in the year 1934-35.

39.   Research Laboratory.—The work on the histopathology
of Kumri was continued at the Research Laboratory and a
second progress report was written and presented by the Research
Officer, Professor P. G. Malkani for publication. A new
species of Haemoproteus causing a fatal disease in the Indian
peacock was discovered by the same officer. A paper on this
disease was also prepared and presented by him for publication.
Materials were collected and examined from a few cases of
Ranikhet disease. An experimental treatment of nematode
infestation among the Government Cattle Farm, Patna, with
Carbon Tetrachloride which was carried out under my instruc-
tions by the laboratory staff proved very effective and brought
about noticeable improvement in the condition of the affected