animals. 63 animals of this farm were also immunised against
rinderpest by goat tissue virus and the immunity tests of those
vaccinated previously were also carried out.

40.  The routine work of the laboratory consisted in the
examination of 1,043 specimens including blood smears, pus,
faeces, urine, skin scrapings, etc, against 746 in the previous
year. Out of these, diseases were diagnosed in 500 cases. Details
are shown under the head " Laboratories ". Postmortem exami-
nation was carried out on 49 animals and 10 pathological specimens
were collected and sent to the Museum duly mounted. The
photo and art section of the laboratory did important work
for demostration classes and also for the Bihar and Orissa
Provincial Exhibition.

41.  The programme of research at the college for the year
1936-37 is as follows:—

(1)  Work on Rinderpest virus.
(2)  Work on Haemoproteus in Indian Peacock.
(3)  Doyle's Disease of fowls—Treatment and Prophy
(4)  Johne's Disease—Better diagnostic agent.
(5) Contagious Otorrhoea—Etiology.
(6)  Stringhalt (Bovine)— Do.
(7)  Calcutta Sore—Etiology and Treatment.
(8)  Distomatosis or Fascioliasis—Cheap and effective

Owing to noticeable improvement in the working of the
Research Laboratory the question of its reorganisation was not
taken up during the year.

42.  The College Serum Depot.—Dealt with 320 requisitions
received from the districts. 243,368 doses of sera and vaccines
including balances were received at the depot while 187,137
doses were issued.

43.  General Remarks.—The expenditure on the college
under different heads amounted to Rs. 78,947-0-5 while a sum
of Rs. 13,089-1-0 was derived as receipts, vide details in
Table I and Statement C. The College Governing Body met
only once in the year. Maharaja Bahadur Ram Ran Vijoy
Prasad 8ingh of Dumraon presided over the Diploma and Prize
distribution function. The Officiating Animal Husbandry Expert

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