Babu M. M. Banarji. Inspector, Babu S. R. Bagchi continued
to be on long leave and reserve veterinary assistant surgeon
Maulavi S. B. Ahmad officiated in his place.

99. During the year, 2 veterinary assistant surgeons were
dismissed and 1 resigned, while 3 new posts were filled up.
Thus, at the end of the year, the subordinate staff consisted of 13
veterinary inspectors, 6 staff veterinary assistant surgeons, 2
laboratory assistants, 12 reserve veterinary assistant surgeons
and 126 district veterinary assistant surgeons (31 stationary and
95 touring), there being, therefore, no change in the total number
of subordinate officers, vide Table VII.

                                    CHAPTER VI.


100.  There was no change in the three existing laboratories
at Muzaffarpur, Patna Veterinary College and Cuttack where the
diagnostic work for the three Ranges as well as at the college was
generally carried out. The (Veterinary) Disease Investigation
Officer also did some work at his own laboratory.

101.  Altogether 1,178 smears including blood, faeces, pus,
urine, etc., were received at the above three laboratories and on
examination of same, diseases were diagnosed in 763 instances as
follows :—

Anthrax 34, Haemorrhagic Septicæmia 22, Blackquarter 5,
Trypanosomiasis 7, Fowl Cholera 3, Mange 5, Johnes Disease 5,
Strangles 18, Theilariasis 2, Coccidiosis 83, Anaemia 24,
Ascariasis 3, Strongylosis 37, Piroplosmosis 18, Ankylostomiasis
117, Schistosomiasis 2, Nematode infection 281, Cestode
infection 2, Trematode 1, Rabies 9, Distomatosis 2, Anisocytosis 8,
Leucocytosis 2, Streptococcus mamitis 1, Equine Surra 2,
Bovine Surra 1, Haemoproteus in peacock 1 and miscellaneous
diseases 78.

The percentage of the number of diseases diagnosed increased
from 35.8 to 40.6 during the year which justifies the increase in
the number of smears.

                                 Investigation of Diseases.

102.  The work of the (Veterinary) Disease Investigation
Officer, Bihar and Orissa.—A detailed report on the work of
Mr. L. Sahai as submitted by him has been forwarded to the
Imperial Council of Agricultural Research through the local
Government with comment