the total number of deaths of bovines from contagious diseases was 27,000.
In order to increase the usefulness of the department and effectively to
check the mortality of cattle from preventible diseases His Excellency the
Governor relies upon the assistance of the local bodies, who, he trusts,
will co-operate with the Government by providing for larger expenditure
on dispensaries, preventive inoculation and provision of the necessary
staff of veterinary assistant surgeons.

9.    The Director has drawn attention to the evil of cattle poisoning
by arsenic practised by a class of people which has become a source of con-
sidearble loss to the raiyats. He considers that it is now time to restrict
the possession of the poison. Section 4 of the Poisons Act, 1919 (XII of
1919), empowers the Local Government to regulate by rule the possession
of arsenic in any local area in which its use for the purpose of poisoning
cattle appears to be of frequent occurrence. The Director should institute
special enquiries into the matter and submit a report to Government in
due course.

10.    His Excellency the Governor has much pleasure in acknowledging
the valuable services of Mr. P. J. Kerr as Director, Civil Veterinary
Department, and Veterinary Adviser to Government, and in recording his
appreciation of the good work done by Messrs. A. D. MacGregor and
R. T. Davis in connection with the Civil Veterinary Department and
the Bengal Veterinary College. The names of other officers commended
by the Director and the Principal have also been noted.

                                      By order of the Government of Bengal
                                                (Department of Agriculture and Industries),

                                                                G. S. DUTT,

                                           Secretary to the Government of Bengal.

                                            No. 5565.

Copy forwarded to the Veterinary Adviser to the Government of
Bengal for information.

                                            No. 5566.

Copy, together with a copy of the report of the Civil Veterinary
Department, Bengal, forwarded to the Local Self-Government Department
of this Government for information.

                                                 By order of the Government of Bengal

                                              (Department of Agriculture and Industries),

                                              ABU ALI MUHAMMAD CHAUDHURI,

                                         Assistant Secretary to the Government of Bengal.


The 10th November 1924.

B. G. Press—3-12-1924—219M—450—A. K. M. & others.