7.    Class C.—This class consisted of 35 students composed of 18
promoted from class B and 17 failed students of last year. One could
not appear owing to illness; 34 sat for the diploma examination, and 22
passed, making a percentage of 64.7.

8.     Out of 22 newly passed graduates, 10 belonged to Bengal, 6 to
Bihar and Orissa, 3 to Assam, 1 to United Provinces, 1 to Central
Provinces and 1 to Nepal.

9.     Examinations.—The examinations began on the 2nd and ended
on the 11th March 1926. The Board of Examiners consisted of
Mr. C. W. Wilson, Veterinary Advisor to Government, Central
Provinces, who acted as President, Mr. P. J. Kerr, Director, Civil
Veterinary Department, Bengal, and Veterinary Advisor to the Govern-
ment of Bengal, Captain P. B. Riley, Deputy Director, Civil Veterinary
Department, North Bihar Range, Captain R. T. Davis, Vice-Principal,
Bengal Veterinary College, and myself.

10.     The Board remarked as follows : " The results are considered
highly satisfactory in classes A and B and satisfactory in class C."

11. Stipends.—Out of 100 students remaining at the end of the
session, 75 held stipends from various sources, viz.

District and Local Board stipends ... ... ...


Bettiah Raj stipend ... ... ...


Bihar and Orissa Government stipend ... ...


Assam Government stipend ... ... ...


United Provinces Government stipend ... ...


Iraq Government stipend ... ... ...


Feudatory States (Orissa) ... ... ...


Nepal Durbar stipend ... ... ...


Total ...


12.    Prizes.—The prize distribution ceremony was held on
19th March 1926 under the presidentship of the Hon'ble Mr. Justice
A. H. Cuming, i.c.s., who addressed the students. Mrs. A. H. Cuming
was kind enough to attend, and gave away the diplomas, certificates and
prizes. In addition to the usual Government prizes, two special prizes
were given, as usual, by me to the most successful students of the final
year class.

13.     Hostels.—All students lived in the hostels, and their general
health was good. The Medical Officer attended regularly.

14.     Riding class.—All students went through a course of equitation.
A riding competition was held at the end of the session, in which six
students won prizes.

15.     Botanic Garden.—With a view to improving the practical
demonstration of vegetables poisons and Materia-Medica drugs, a small
garden was established, three years ago, in which were grown the more
important medical and poisonous plants.