22. Nine hundred and sixty-six outbreaks in which inoculation was
undertaken were attended during the year under review and the total
number of animals inoculated was 173,762 as per details below as against
136,448 animals protected in 826 outbreaks in the year previous :—



Rinderpest (includes 369 animals
inoculated by the S-S. method)



Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia ..



Anthrax .. ..



Blackquarter .. ..





23.     In addition to the above figures 1,334 animals were inoculated
in Calcutta and its suburbs by the staff of the Bengal Veterinary

24.     The number of deaths amongst the inoculated animals was 972
only or 05 per cent. of the total.

25.    As compared with the figures for the last year, there has been
an increase in the number of inoculations but the work in this direction
would have progressed considerably had not the Department been handi-
capped by the action of the local authorities referred to in paragraph 14
of this report: Also numerous rails for extra help from the districts
could not be complied with, owing to the lack of Staff Veterinary Assis-
tant Surgeons. The District Boards have not sufficient staff, and there
is no emergency staff at headquarters to send to help them in time of
need. The restoration of the three posts of Staff Veterinary Assistant
Surgeons abolished on the recommendation of the Retrenchment Com-
mittee is at present under the consideration of Government. Year by
year evidence accumulates to prove that their retrenchment was a false

26.     A sum of Rs. G8,788-4 was paid to the Imperial Bacteriologist
at Muktesar on account of cost of serum and vaccines during the year.

                                          Table IV.

27.     Table IV shows the work done in the mufassal by the Veterinary
Assistant Surgeons during the year.

28.     Ninety-two men were at work in the interior, of whom 66 were
purely Itinerant and 26 Stationary Assistant Surgeons placed in charge
of dispensaries, who toured in the districts either at fixed periods or al
the time of outbreaks. Besides doing the inoculation work referred to
in paragraph 22 of this report these men visited 15,429 villages and
treated 100,830 cases against 15,022 and 94,894, respectively, in the
preceding year.

29.     One important thing to be noticed in connection with this matter
is the increase that is taking place year after year in the number of
cases brought to the headquarters of the Itinerant Veterinary Assistant