is clue to the higher susceptibility of the Scindh cattle. Serum-alone
method of inoculation stopped the outbreak. In December and January
serum simultaneous inoculation was given to all the cattle.

53.     A few animals of the Tharparkar herd brought foot and mouth
disease, but it was detected in time and the whole herd kept under
strict segregation. There was no casualty from this disease.

54.     Rangpur.—There was an outbreak of rinderpest but prompt and
timely measures saved the situation without the loss of a single animal.
After this outbreak there was an attack of foot and mouth in the herd.
All the cattle, specially the milch animals and the bulls, suffered
heavily but through proper care and treatment there was no loss of life.
One hundred and thirty animals were protected with serum simultaneous
inoculation with satisfactory results.

The usefulness of this inoculation was put to a practical test during
the outbreak of rinderpest mentioned above. Only half the animals
on the farm had been permanently protected by this method at the time
of outbreak and none of them contracted the disease.

Prompt and thorough application of the serum-alone method
prevented any deaths occurring among the remainder.

The serum-alone method properly applied is satisfactory and the best
in face of an outbreak.

                                  Horse and Pony Stallion.

55.     There was no horse or pony stallion in this province. Tables X,
XI and XII are therefore blank.

                               Part IV—Subordinate Staff.

56.     Table VII shows the strength of the Veterinary staff employed
in the province during the year under report.

57.     Three new posts of Veterinary Assistant Surgeons were opened
during the year: One at Garbetta in Midnapore, another at Bajitpur
in Mymensingh and the third at Shahzadpur in Pabna.

58.     Sanction was also accorded to the deputation of a third Veteri-
nary Assistant Surgeon for the Cooch Behar State for a period of three
years, and the entertainment of a substitute in his place.

59.     Towards the close of the year Government were addressed for
the creation of the post of Itinerant Assistant Surgeon at Saidpur in
the Rangpur district provisionally for one year with effect from the 1st
April 1926.

60.     Sanction was also asked for at the same time for the creation of
the post of Stationary "Veterinary Assistant Surgeon at Darjeeling.

                             Part V—General Remarks.

61.     Serum.—This has been a bad year for contagious disease and
the restricted supply of serum for inoculation work has been felt more
acutely as a result.