restricted, as the sum voted was too small for the purpose. In Janu-
ary an extra allowance of Rs. 1,000 had to be re-appropriated from
my budget to meet the cost on this account.

                          Part I—Veterinary Instruction.

16.     As usual, the staff of this Department imparted instruction to
the ryots with regard to the care, management and treatment of
rattle. Leaflets on the same subjects were also distributed by them.
It is reported that in some districts in the Eastern Range local
authorities permitted their Veterinary Assistant Surgeons to visit the
primary schools in their jurisdiction and talk to boys on veterinary

17.     Government have recently been pleased to sanction a special
officer for propaganda work for this Department, but the scheme has
been held up for want of funds. It is hoped that efforts will be made
to provide funds for opening this post at an early date.

                       Part II—Treatment of Diseases.

18.     There has been an increase in the mortality of animals from
contagious diseases during the year, the total number of deaths report-
ed being 35,719, as against 33,224 in the previous year. The increase
is attributed to the fact that with the increasing attention given to
details and greater facilities for ascertaining and reporting outbreaks,
many more cases now come to light than in past years.

19.     Table II shows the number of deaths for each district in
detail. Rinderpest, as usual, has been the most serious, and accounted
for 33,405 of the deaths reported. There was, however, a substantial
reduction in the death rate from hæmorrhagic septicæmia and other
contagious diseases.

                                 Equine Diseases.

20.     Glanders was reported from six districts and claimed 18 animals
as its victims, as against 26 in the previous year. The outbreak was
most severe in the district of Mymensingh, where 7 cases occurred.

A sum of Rs. 306 was awarded as compensation for 5 cases of com-
pulsory destruction made under the provisions of the Act.

21-22. Anthrax and Dourine.—No loss under these heads was
reported during the year.

23.     Surra.—There were outbreaks of this disease in the districts
of Tippera and Faridpur, 23 deaths being reported. All possible steps
for the suppression and spread of the disease were taken.

24.     Other Diseases.—Five cases were recorded under this head,
as against 24 in the preceding year, but no details thereof are avail-