34.     These figures exclude 1,628 inoculations performed in Calcutta
and its suburbs by the staff of the Bengal Veterinary College.

35.     The death rate amongst the inoculated was very small, being
1,980 in all, or 0 .9 for the whole Province.

36.     As will be seen from the figures above, there has been an
appreciable increase in the number of cattle inoculated, but the work
in this direction has been hampered a good deal, owing to the restric-
tions imposed by certain District Boards on the supply of serum. As
pointed out in last year's report, the staff employed in the districts is
wholly insufficient for ordinary needs, and owing to the lack of Staff
Veterinary Assistant Surgeons at headquarters, some time elapses
before arrangements can be made to find out new graduates and depute
them to the affected localities. Free supply of serum and institution
of a sufficient number of posts of Staff Veterinary Assistant Surgeons
are all that is at present needed to combat effectively the outbreaks of
contagious disease in this province. Proposals in this connection have
long been submitted to Government, and it is hoped it would be
possible to issue orders at an early date.

37.     A sum of Rs. 74,535-10 was paid to the Imperial Bacteriologist
at Muktesar for the supply of sera and vaccines during the year.

                                Veterinary Assistant Surgeons.

38.     Table IV shows the work done in the mufassal and at head-
quarters by the itinerant Veterinary Assistant Surgeons in charge of
Veterinary Stores. The work done in the mufassal by the itinerant
Veterinary Assistant Surgeons in charge of Veterinary Dispensaries
is also shown in this Table.

39.     Ninety-nine men altogether worked in the mufassal, of whom
72 were in charge of veterinary stores and 27 in charge of veterinary
dispensaries, who toured in the interior when required to do so. In
addition to the inoculation work referred to in paragraph 33 of this
report, these officers visited 16,514 villages and treated 126,661 cases,
against 15,429 and 100,830, respectively, in the preceding year.

40.     One important feature in connection with this return is the
large increase that is taking place year after year in the number of
cases brought to the headquarters of the itinerant Veterinary Assistant
Surgeons for treatment—a fact that undoubtedly shows the necessity
of starting more dispensaries.

41.     During their tours, the itinerant Veterinary Assistant Surgeons
also inspected the cattle pounds in their jurisdiction, and submitted
reports to the District Boards regarding hygeinic conditions and supply
of food and water to the animals impounded.

                                   Hospitals and Dispensaries.

42.     Table V shows in detail the working of the hospitals and dispen-
saries in this province.

43.     Two new dispensaries were recognised at Kharagpur and Tan-
gail during the year, thus bringing the total number of such institutions
to 45, as against 43 in the preceding year.