34.     The Royal Commission on Agriculture visited the College on
the 6th December 1926. They were pleased with what they saw here.

35.     The Bengal Cruelty to Animals Act, 1920, was introduced
into Calcutta on the 1st October 1926 and the Hospital attached to
this College was declared an Infirmary under the Act for treatment
and care of such animals.

36.     We all deeply regret the death of Dr. Sir K. C. Bose, kt.,
a very longstanding and keen supporter of all matters pertaining to
Veterinary Education.

                                     Special Remarks.

37.     Vice-Principal.—Captain R. T. Davis was of invaluable
assistance to me in this post during the year.

38.     Assistant Principal.—Rai Sahib Debakar Dey worked well.

39.     Professional Staff.—The teaching staff worked satisfactorily
and with good results. I should like to put on record the good work
done in the sphere of Operative Surgery and Bovine Clinic by Babu
S. N. Sinha, and also the improved results likely to accrue from the
recent addition to the teaching staff of an Assistant Lecturer to the
Lecturer in Anatomy and Physiology.

40.     The Hospital Surgeons and the Laboratory Assistant again
performed excellent work in their respective charges.

41.     Office Staff.—The Manager with his Assistant carried out
their multifarious duties with great satisfaction. The control of the
students in their hostels and outside and the amicable settlement of
their innumerable complaints form no mean task, and I must commend
the efforts made by the Manager (Babu Binode Behari Banerjee) in
particular in these and other directions.

42.    'The general office staff worked at high pressure during the
year, owing to an undoubted shortage of workers, which I must ask
Government to supplement soon.

                            Raymond Research Laboratory.

43.     This Laboratory did useful work as in previous years.

44.     One hundred and twelve brains of different species of animals
were examined for rabies, of which 100 proved positive, 7 negative
and 5 unfit for examination. Seven hundred and forty-three patho-
logical specimens received from the various districts of Bengal, in-
clusive of the College Hospital, were examined. Samples of urine,
fæees and milk were also dealt with. Autopsies were made on carcasses
received from the Bengal and Calcutta Police, Zoolozical Gardens and
private bodies, as well as on all animals dying or destroyed in this
College Hospital.

45.     Materials showing evidence of such diseases as Hæmorrhagic
Septicæmia, Anthrax, Follicular Mange, Piroplasmosis, Filariasis,
Surra, Tuberculosis, Pyæmia, Fowl Septicæmia, Black Quarter,
Glanders, Sarcoma, Epithelioma and Sarcoptic Scabies were sent for