
                          CALCUTTA, THE 17 TH DECEMBER, 1927.

                                      RESOLUTION—No. 6636 Vety.

Minister-in-charge: the Hon'ble Sir P. C. Mitter, Kt., C.I.F.


      Annual Reports of the Civil Veterinary Department, Bengal, and
          of the Bengal Veterinary College, for the year 1926-27.

                                 I.—Civil Veterinary Department.

Mr. P .J. Kerr held charge of the office of the Director of Civil
Veterinary Department and Veterinary Adviser to Government
throughout the year. Rai Sahib Sharat Chandra Pal was Assistant
Director in charge of the Western Range throughout the year, except
for 2 months' leave, and Babu Nripendra Nath Mazumdar was
Assistant Director in charge of the Eastern Range throughout the

2. There has been no noticeable change in the administrative
arrangements generally during the year under review, but .Government
have had under consideration a number of important schemes sub-
mitted by the Veterinary Adviser. Administrative approval has been
given to his proposal to supply local bodies with free serum for inocula-
tion against epidemic diseases. Whilst inoculation, if promptly and
universally applied, affords a practically certain method of stamping
out epidemic disease, the difficulty felt by local bodies in meeting,
and their consequent reluctance to incur, the heavy expense on account
of the purchase of preventive serum, has made it difficult for the
Veterinary Department to deal with these outbreaks satisfactorily in
the past. Consequently, while adhering to the view that the ordinary
care of animals is a matter which properly appertains to local bodies,
Government decided to treat the combating of epidemic disease on
provincial lines. Administrative approval has similarly been given
to the employment of 9 extra staff Veterinary Assistant Surgeons for
epidemic and propaganda work: and to the appointment of an officer
of the rank of Inspector to carry out propaganda on the subject of