II.—Bengal Veterinary College.

5.     Mr. A. D. MacGregor held charge as Principal; Mr. R. T.
Davis as Vice-Principal, and Rai Sahib Dibakar De as Assistant
Principal throughout the year. Towards the close of the year Govern-
ment issued orders placing the College directly under Government
instead of being, as hitherto, under the control of the Veterinary

6.     There was an increase in the number of students attending
the College, the number at the close of the session being 125 as against
100 in the previous year. At the beginning of the present session
there were 168 students, but a certain number always fall out during
the course of the year. The increase is probably due almost entirely
to the decision of Government to reintroduce the Government stipends
for Bengal students. These were discontinued in accordance with a
recommendation of the Retrenchment Committee with effect from May,
1923, and were followed by an immediate drop in the number of
Bengal students in the two succeeding years. They have been re-
introduced with effect from the current session. The remark of the
Board of Examiners in respect of the annual examination held in
February-March, 1927, that the results were highly satisfactory in
classes A and B and fairly satisfactory in class C reflects credit on
the teaching staff. The teaching staff was strengthened by a new
appointment of Assistant Lecturer in the Inspector grade.

7.     The number of patients treated and operations performed
showed little variation, viz., 2,562 and 374, respectively, as compared
with 2,587 and 296 in the previous year.

Valuable work was as usual carried out at the Raymond Research
Laboratory, in examination of pathological specimens of brains for
rabies and so on.

8.     During the year under report the Committee of Management
of the College which had been more or less in abeyance for many years
was reconstituted and its duties defined.

9.     His Excellency acting with the Minister-in-charge notices with
pleasure the names of those of his staff mentioned by the Principal
for good work during the year and desires to acknowledge the care
and attention which Mr. MacGregor has devoted to the administra-
tion of the College.

10.     The Minister would conclude this resolution by stating that
he has to discharge the duty of reviewing the administration of a
year in the policy or supervision of which he had no hand and so
naturally he had to proceed on records as he found them. The
difficulties of his delicate task have been further enhanced by the fact
that he had to undertake this duty even before he had a reasonable
time to shape his own policy.

                                  By order of the Government (Ministry of Agriculture),

                                                                    R. N. REID,

                                              Secretary to the Government of Bengal.