44.     A sum of Rs. 1324-5 has been placed at the disposal of the
Rangpur Board by the proprietors of the Panga Fair for the development
of veterinary work in that District.

45.     The District Board of Rajshahi have constructed a new serum
cellar at the Veterinary Hospital at the headquarters station of the

46.     There is a scheme for the construction of a dog ward in the
Veterinary Hospital at Chinsura and it is reported that a sum of
Rs. 757-8 has been obtained from the Divisional Commissioner as grant
in this connection.

                          Part III—Breeding Operations.

47.     Table VIII shows the number of stud bulls maintained in the
Province during the year. Of the total number of 152 bulls, on 1st
April 1927, 7 were kept at the Bengal Veterinary College, 27 by the Jail
authorities, 1 by Khas Mahal, 53 by District Boards, 6 by Munici-
palities, 41 by private gentlemen and 17 by the Agricultural Farms.

48.     The number is considerably below the demand in an agricul-
tural province like Bengal, besides, most of them are of little advan-
tage to the cattle-owning public as they are mostly stationed in towns.

49.     District Boards generally are now taking a lively interest in
this matter and it is hoped they will co-operate with the Special Officer
appointed in this connection by allotting necessary funds for the pur-
chase and maintenance of a number of bulls for the outlying portions of
the districts.

                                     Fairs and Shows.

50.     Tables XIII and XIV show the particulars of horse and cattle
fairs held during the year.

51.     As usual, these were attended by Inspectors or local Veterinary
Assistant Surgeons and all possible help was rendered by them in the
judging of animals and management of the fairs. Besides treating
diseased animals these officers delivered lectures on the prompt reporting
of outbreaks, the inoculation of serum, the care of live-stock and other
kindred subjects which are of benefit to the raiyats.

52.     Great interest is shown by the people in these lectures and it
will certainly facilitate the work of these officers if early action is taken
to allot funds for the scheme in this connection, which will greatly
increase the scope of both lectures and lantern demonstrations.

                      Bull Breeding and Rearing Farms.

53.     Three such farms were at work in this Province during the
year, one at Kalimpong, another at Rangpur and the third at Manipur
in Dacca. The first is managed by St. Andrew's Colonial Homes and
the other two by the Agricultural Department. Table IX, which is
intended to show the working of these farms, is left blank as it is
immaterial for the purpose of this departmental report.

54.     Rangpur.—There were outbreaks of foot and mouth and
hæmorrhagic septicæmia in this farm. Prompt action was taken and
no casualty occurred.