( 22 )

The following steps should be taken tinder paragraph 9, Act XX of 1879, India :—

1.    Every piece of stable gear connected in any way with a glandered horse should be
destroyed by fire, except iron-work, and that should be made red hot.

2.     The roof should be well cleaned and freed from all dust, cobwebs, &c.

3.     The walls should be scraped, feeding troughs demolished, all wood-work within
reach of horses should be carefully washed with crude carbolic acid or phenyle
1 : 20 of hot water.

4.    The floor, if of mud or bricks, should be dug up for at least eight inches and more
if urine has percolated deeper, and fresh earth should be laid down.

5.     All the refuse derived from cleaning, and any dung or litter, &c., should be
burned ; that which will not burn should be buried deeply.

6.     The whole place should be thoroughly white-washed with good lime and water, to
which 5 per cent. crude carbolic acid or phenyle has been added.
stables should be burned, their floors treated as above.


Mallein is a sterilized extract of the cultivation of the bacillus of Glanders in various
media. When injected into a healthy horse it produces practically no effect, but if the
animal be glandered it produces a large swelling at the seat of injection and a rise of tempera-
ture. This material is very useful as a means of diagnosis, in the hands of properly trained
persons as it reveals Glanders when there are no other means of discovering the disease.

                                           F. RAYMOND, F.R.C.V.S., &c, Veterinary Capt.,

                                                                  Superintendent of the Civil Veterinary

                                                                                                         Department, Bengal.