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46. Mr. E. Burke supervised the routine duties of my office, besides doing
his ordinary work during my absence on leave in Darjeeling and my deputa-
tion to Port Blair. He has been awarded the diploma of a graduate of the
Bengal Veterinary College by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor.

Messrs. Brand and Engel carried out their duties as usual. They have
been made graduates of the college.

The results of the teaching of the two outside lecturers were somewhat
adversely criticised by the Examiners; but these lecturers, being doctors, were
greatly handicapped by their ignorance of veterinary medicine and surgery.

I have been able to recommend three of my graduates for higher appoint-
ments: thus, Mr. D. K. Dey has been given a lectureship, and Messrs. S. K.
Mitter and S. K. Biswas, Inspectorships. Hitherto we have relied on the
Bombay College for men to fill these appointments: in future, our own men
will get them. Applications for men to fill higher appointments in Madras
have been received, but all my students found employment as soon as they
passed, and no one is at present available for other Provinces. Only a few
years ago the examination for the " two years' standard" had to be of a
specially mild description to allow a percentage of Bengali students to pass.
This year the pass for the final diploma examination is 100 per cent., and we
not only fill our higher grades with our own men, but we are also asked to fill
those of another Province.