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The following officers served on the Board of Examiners: —

COLONEL H. T. PEASE, C.I.E., Inspector-General,

Civil Veterinary Department


MR. C. W. WILSON, Officiating Superinten-

dent, Government Cattle Farm, Hissar.

MR. W. HARRIS, Superintendent, Civil Veteri-


nary Department, Eastern Bengal and


The following is an extract from the report of the Examining Board:—
"We consider that the results are very satisfactory."

4.    The stipends.—Thirty-three students held stipends from the Bengal
Government, 48 from District Boards, 2 from Local Boards and 1 from
a Municipality, whilst 1 was in receipt of the Shew Bux Bugla scholarship.
The Government of Eastern Bengal and Assam supported 14 students, the
Government of Burma 4 and the Government of United Provinces of Agra
and Oudh 1.

5.    The prizes.—The diplomas, certificates and prizes were distributed
on the 19th March by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal. The
cost of the prizes was met this year from the grant of Rs. 700 made by
Government and not from private subscriptions as heretofore.

6.  The hostels.—The new hostel which can accommodate 156 men was
occupied in December and has been named after Sir Andrew Fraser, m.a.,
LL.D., K.C.S.I., Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal. The old hostel has received
the name of the Hon'ble Mr. W. C. Macpherson, C.S.I. In connexion with the
hostels, I have established a co-operative store and club-room. This is
entirely under the management of the members under my supervision. When
the land in the annexe has been levelled by the Public Works Department, it
will be possible to allot a piece of ground for foot-ball and other games. In
connexion with the hostels, Government has sanctioned, as an additional menial
staff, two servants, two cooks and three sweepers.

7.     Veterinary instruction to Agricultural students.—A course of 48 lectures
in Veterinary Hygiene and Cattle Breeding and Rearing was delivered to 13
1st-year and 10 2nd-year students of the Civil Engineering College. All but
one lst-year student passed the examination.

8.    Training of Transport Drivers.—Eight transport drivers, 5 from Burma
and 3 from Lucknow, attended a course of training as dressers during the three
months' vacation of the college. All these men were considered on examination
at the end of the course fit to perform the work of dressers.

9.    Farriers' class.—Two men were sent here by the District Boards of
Bhagalpur and Mymensingh to be trained as nalbunds. The Mymensingh
man completed his training at the end of March. The Bhagalpur man was
removed owing to his very backward progress.

10.    The college hospital.—During the year under report, 4,132 cases (1,913
in-patients and 2,219 out-patients were treated against 3,095 (1,905 in-patients
and 1,190 out-patients) in the corresponding period of last year, showing an
increase of 1,037. One thousand six hundred and twenty-seven operations were
performed against 1,304 of last year and 402 horses were shod against 408 of
last year.

The fees realised for teatment, etc., amounted to Rs. 16,341-9-9 and the
cost of feed was Rs. 26,243-11-11. The excess of cost of feed over fees was
due to the high price of forage and to low fees charged for animals belonging
to cartmen, hackney carriage drivers and other poor people. The outstanding
accounts for this year amounted to Rs. 266-12-0, which are expected to be realised

11.    The Research Laboratory.—Photographic and dark rooms have been
erected on the south of the institution, and have been in use since October.

The new apparatus, which, through the kindness of His Honour the
Lieutenant-Governor, I was able to order in England, has arrived; we shall be
able to futher extend the use of these things when electricity is installed at

An artist, sanctioned by Government, was duly appointed in the month of
August 1907, and is making himself proficient in the special requirements of the