to be made out of care and feeding of cattle. Until the care of cattle is
understood, the purchase and distribution of selected bulls will be productive
of little or no result.

83.    Another plan to stimulate a desire to improve local cattle would be to
give numerous small money prizes for good cattle at every méla to which cattle
are brought.

84.     Supervision.—With regard to the general supervision of the department,
there is a great need for a second European Superintendent in this province.
Practically the whole time of the present Superintendent is taken up on routine
inspections; even in this he has to cut down the time spent at each place to the
minimum, in order to be able to inspect the present staff, small as it is, once
a year. By the appointment of second Superintendent who would take over
half this routine duty, each could spend more time in pushing on the work in
backward districts, attending personally the more serious outbreaks of cattle
disease and glanders, investigating some of the many still obscure diseases of
Indian cattle, and personally supervising the Veterinary Assistants and instruct-
ing in their ordinary work.

                                             P. J. KERR, M.R.C.V.S., I.C.V.D.,

                              Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Bengal.