7.     Veterinary dispensaries. — During the year no advance was made in the establish-
ment of new dispensaries, the total number of dispensaries being 18 as in the previous year.
The total number of in and out-patients treated was 22,106 against 17,289 in 1911-12. The
increase of 4,817 is satisfactory. As regards the provision of accommodation for in-patients
at certain dispensaries noticed in paragraph 11 of last year's Resolution, the Superintendent,
Civil Veterinary Department, has reported that such accommodations are only urgently
needed in Bakarganj and Dacca. Necessary steps will be taken in the matter this year.

8.    Breeding operations.—The question of the improvement of the breeds of cattle has
been taken up. No real improvement can however be effected in the cattle of this province
unless the cows are improved. With this object in view a dairy farm has been established at
Rangpur. The chief object of the farm is the improvement of indigenous cattle by selection.
If it proves successful, similar farms will be established in other selected districts.

9.    General.—There were 5 inspectors and 62 veterinary assistants under the
control of the Superintendent, Veterinary Department, at the close of the year, as compared
with 5 and 59, respectively, in the previous year. After the close of the year one more
inspector and five more assistants have been sanctioned for the department. Certain
District Boards and municipalities have been recently addressed about the employment of
additional veterinary assistants, and the replies received so far are favourable.

B. S. Press—18.10-1913—3799C—500—J L. C.