to accelerate the supply of sera to the seat of outbreaks of disease and
prevent considerable loss due to sera deterioration as a result of
prolonged exposure to high temperature.

65.     The various recommendations put forward by the Royal
Commission on Agriculture in regard to diseases of live-stock and their
control have all been considered by Government. Most of these should
be brought into effect as soon as financial and other circumstances
permit. There are however many obstacles to be overcome in order
to bring the Departmental cadre up to anything like the strength
recommended, chief among these being lack of funds and the difficulty
of obtaining recruits of the right type in sufficient numbers. The
wide margin now existing between the cadre recommended by the
Commission and that at present is worthy of notice. The question of
legislation in connection with the control of contagious diseases is
another matter which requires careful consideration as it involves the
necessity of co-operation of all Provinces throughout India.

66.     Assistant Directors.—The Assistant Directors worked well
throughout the year and achieved much useful work in spite of the
difficulties of the time. I have pleasure in acknowledging their able
and loyal assistance.

67.    Veterinary Inspectors.—Under similar difficulties the
Inspectors carried out their duties satisfactorily.

68.    Veterinary Assistant Surgeons.—Special commendation is made
of the work of the following officers: —

Staff Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Babu M. N. Majumdar.

Reserve Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Babu S. K. Chaudhuri.

                                        Western Range.

Babu K. C. Gupta, Dinajpur.

Babu S. N. Chakravarty, Balurghat.

Babu J. C. Majumdar, Kurigram.

                                        Eastern Range.

Babu N. C. Sen Gupta, Dacca.

Babu S. L. Das Gupta, Brahmanbaria.

69.     Office.—The office staff worked hard and managed as well as
can be expected under the present handicap of shortage of men and in
cramped quarters. I regret the death of one of the junior clerks, Babu
Bonbehari Banerji, son of my late Head Assistant, who had made a
promising start in the office.

The work increases annually and it is hoped that funds will be
available to increase the staff proportionately.

                                                                  P. J. KERR, I.V.S.,

                                           Director, Civil Veterinary Department, and
Veterinary Adviser to the Government of Bengal.

       CALCUTTA :

The 18th July 1929.