below). The operation theatre and the dressing section of this ward
have been greatly improved and appreciated by both staff and public.
The dog-run continued to provide a healthful recreation ground for
the more convalescent of the patients. A new building has been
constructed at a safe distance from the General Ward to be used as a
"Canine Contagious Ward," and its utility as such is only pending the
arrangements for water supply and light. When these are completed
a, very necessary adjunct to the Canine Hospital will have been laid




In-patients .. ..



Out-patients .. ..



Operations .. ..



Cases undergone anti-rabic vac-



82.     Lands and buildings.—Each year great improvements are
being made in this department and at present there are several
proposals pending with the Public Works Department for plans and
estimate. The application of electric lights to the hospitals and other
buildings was completed during the year. The benefits of such cannot
be overestimated, but there are still several small schemes awaiting
the administrative approval of Government. I do feel sometimes, loss
to Government occurs from a too seldom routine repair or painting
of wood and iron structures, which could be prevented by annual than
biennial repairs and biennial than quadrennial.

83.    Provincial and subordinate establishment.—The total strength
of the provincial and subordinate staff employed at the College is
included in Table VII of the Report of the Civil Veterinary
Department, Bengal. This statement is enclosed with this report also
for ready reference.

84.     Expenditure Of the College.—The main results of receipts and
expenditure of the College, compiled in my office and verified by the
Accountant-General, Bengal, are given in Table II of this Report.

                              Raymond Research Laboratory.

1.     During the year under report Babu H. C. Ganguly acted as
Laboratory Assistant until the 20th August 1929, when he was promoted
to officiate as a lecturer and Babu K. K. Banerjee was appointed to
act in his place.

2.     The Laboratory was under the charge of the Vice-Principal
throughout the year.

3.     (1) Training.—Training in general laboratory methods was
imparted to the senior students. Special instructions regarding the
use of anti-sera and vaccines and microscopical examination of
pathological specimens were also given to the same students in