on Government Farm cattle in collaboration with the Live-Stock Expert.
These experiments are being continued and fortunately do not depend on
the provision of additional funds.

67.     Assistant Directors.Rai Sahib .N. N. Majumdar.—Government
was pleased to confer the title of Rai Sahib on this officer in June 1931.
He has continued to work throughout thé year with the same zeal and
efficiency for which he was awarded the title. Much useful experimental
work could not have been taken up without his help.

Maulvi M. S. Chowdhuri.—This officer displayed commendable devo-
tion to duty and carried out the work of his Range with efficiency and
tact. This was more difficult in view of the unsettled conditions both
at his headquarters in Dacca and throughout the Range.

68.     Veterinary Inspectors.—Without exception these officers worked
well and did their utmost to maintain the standard of efficiency in spite
of financial stringency which hindered the work in all directions.

Those working in the Eastern Range deserve special commendation—
Babus M. P. Ghose and P. N. Mukherjee and Maulvi Abdul Quader—
for carrying on as though conditions were undisturbed.

69.    Veterinary Assistant Surgeons.—The following officers are
commended for good work:—

                                              Western Range.

Babu L. M. Roy Chowdhuri, Itinerant Veterinary Assistant Surgeon.

Babu S. C. Gupta, Stationary Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Rangpur.

Babu C. H. Sen Gupta, Stationary Veterinary Assistant Surgeon,

Babu N. C. Pathak, Itinerant Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Chua-

Babu J. N. Roy, Itinerant Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Khulna.

Maulvi M. J. Baksh, Itinerant Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Meher-

                                            Eastern Range.

Maulvi S. Ahmed, Itinerant Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Chitta-

Babu J. K. Chakma, Itinerant Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Ranga-

Babu M. N. Majumdar, Stationary Veterinary Assistant Surgeon,
Dacca Government Hospital.

Babu M. R. Sen Gupta, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Dacca Muni-
cipal Hospital.

70.     Office.—The ministerial officers deserve my special commendation
for their efforts to cope with the office work, though seriously hondicapped.
The strain of doing so has told upon the general health and frequent