General Remarks.

43.     (a) The Committee of Management held two meetings during
the year and discussed important matters connected with the College.

(b)   The revision of the rules of the College is still under the
consideration of Government.

(c)   During the year under report, Khan Sahib S. S. Ahmed (Vice-
Principal) was on leave from 28th October 1931 till 13th March 1932
and Babu Debendra Kumar Sen (Lecturer) from 16th December 1931
to 16th February 1932.

(d)   Government have sanctioned the proposal of the Board of
Examiners for 1930-31 suggesting 45 per cent. pass for each subject in
the three classes.

(e)   The Principal and Babu Debendra Kumar Sen (Lecturer) were
appointed by the Bihar and Orissa Government as President and
Examiner, respectively, of the Board of Examinations of the Bihar and
Orissa Veterinary College, Patna, during 1931-32.

(f)   Through the energy and public spirit of the Honorary Secretary
of the Health Association of this Ward No. XXX (the College Manager),
a Health Exhibition and a Cattle Show are held annually within the
compound of this College with sanction of Government. The Exhibition
of various veterinary models and the Cattle Show prove of invaluable
help to the public.

(g)   Although financial stringency has prevailed throughout the year,
I am glad to mention here that this institution is not materially affected
by it. We have been able to credit Government with extra revenues,
as per details given, from our extra routine activities and to maintain
the efficiency of the College and Hospital on much less expenditure.

                                      Special Remarks.

44.     Lecturers.—The satisfactory results in the annual examinations
are sufficient proof that they all have worked well.

45.     Manager.—Babu B. B. Banerjee continued to work as Manager
of the College throughout the year. The office work having been found
to be exceedingly heavy and the Vice-Principal having been away almost
throughout the year, this officer has been delegated power, under special
order of Government, to dispose of all routine work and which he
performed most satisfactorily.

46.     Hospital Surgeons.—They all have worked satisfactorily.

47.     Laboratory Assistant.—Has worked well and satisfactorily. He
delivered lectures on Veterinary Medicine including Contagious Diseases
to the senior class students in addition to his own duties.

48.     Office.—The office has been working hard and at full pressure
for some years past, and, although work is increasing every year, no
relief can be given to the assistants at this time of financial stringency
of Government. The Head Assistant (Babu A. N. Dutta) and the
Accountant (Babu I. K. Ghosh) have been carrying on the work with
ability and the other assistants have had their share of the burden.