Annual Report of the Civil Veterinary Department, Bengal,
                                              for the year 1932-33.

                                Preface and General Administration.

Charge.—I held charge of the office of Director and Veterinary-
Adviser to Government throughout the year.

2.     Tours.—I was on tour for 55 days and travelled 8,100 miles-
by rail, 126 miles by road and 310 miles by steamer.

3.     I inspected in April the Veterinary Hospital at Rangpur and
the work of the Itinerant Veterinary Assistant Surgeon and discussed
with the Chairman, District Board, the improvement and expansion.
of veterinary aid in that district. In the same month I inspected
the veterinary work at Dacca and Jaidebpur, where I discussed with
Sir Douglas Stewart, Bart, the Chief Manager of the Bhawal
Wards Estate, the proposal to entertain a Veterinary Assistant
Surgeon for the health and treatment of cattle on the estate. The
post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon was established in September.

4.     In May I visited Rangpur for the second time and attended
the inspection of the cattle farm there by the Hon'ble Minister in
charge of the Department of Agriculture and Industries.

5.     In June I collected at Kalimpong materials for research in
connection with hæmaturia in English and hill cattle. The nature
of this disease is still unknown. It appears to be of a chronic nature
causing loss of condition and utility and eventually death.

6.     In July I visited Simla and attended the meeting of the
Advisory Board of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research.
At Simla I was elected to the Governing Body as representative of
the Advisory Board in place of Mr. Hewlett.

7.     In September I visited Muktesar for a month to study
rinderpest virus production and serum production in connection with
the serum simultaneous method of inoculation. Before returning to
Calcutta in October I attended a meeting of the Governing Body of
the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research at Simla.

8.     In February I visited Delhi and attended the second meeting
of the Imperial Council as a representative of the Bengal Veterinary
Department, and the Animal Wing meeting of the Board of Agricul-

9.     In March I acted as President of the Board of Examiners for
conducting the annual and final examinations at the Bengal Veterinary

10.     In the year under report my tours in the districts were
restricted on account of shortage of travelling allowance sanctioned.
Enhancement of the grant for the succeeding year was applied for.