10. The examinations began on 15th March 1933 and terminated
on 24th idem. The Board of Examiners consisted of—


(1)   Mr. P. J. Kerr, I.V.S., Director and Veterinary Adviser to the
Government of Bengal.


(2)   Major P. B. Riley, I.V.S., Director of Veterinary Services,
Bihar and Orissa.

(3)  Mr. R. T. Davis, I.V.S., Principal, Bihar and Orissa Veterin-
ary College.

(4)   Mr. D. K. Sen, G.B.V.C., Senior Lecturer, Bengal Veterinary

(5)  Principal, Bengal Veterinary College.

11.     The Board's remarks in their report to Government were—

  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                *                *

"Under the circumstances, the results are satisfactory. The
Board wishes to draw the attention of Government to their
report last year, dated the 23rd March 1932, and to state
that the fears expressed therein have materialised, and the
general standard of knowledge is definitely lower in the
two unwieldy classes A and B, indicated by the average
marks obtained, apart altogether from the percentage of

The Board is of the opinion that class of 40 is the maximum for one
Lecturer, and when classes exceed this number, the Lecturer
should be given an assistant."

12.     Stipends.—Out of 176 students remaining at the end of the
session, 63 held stipends from various bodies, 113 being private
students. The District Boards of Bengal awarded 15 stipends during
1932-33 against 18 in 1931-32.

13.     As in previous years, circulars were issued to all District and
Local Boards, Union Boards, Co-operative Central Banks, and to other
bodies drawing their attention to the utility of veterinary instruction in
the province.

14.     Additional Course.—In addition to the ordinary three-year
Diploma Course, the following short course was held during the year
under report.

Vocational Course.—Six soldiers from different Regiments attended
this course for 6 months each and were granted certificates in veterinary
subjects after completion of their training.