Raymond Research Laboratory.

Babu K. K. Banerjee, Laboratory Assistant, held charge of the
Laboratory and the Serum Cellar of the College under my direct con-
trol during the year under report.

2.     He attended the Barrackpur Court as a Crown witness on two
occasions to depose on the cause of death of a cow, the post-mortem
of which was performed by him at Naihati police-station.

3.     Training.—Instruction regarding the preparation and usage
of various biological products and training in laboratory methods and
technique were as usual imparted to the senior class students in batches.
Lantern slides of pathological interest were also shown to the students
to make the lectures illustrative. The necessity of an epidioscope is
greatly felt and Government is being approached for an early sanc-
tion for the purchase of same.

4.     The new Graduates of this College were given every facility
to work in the laboratory so long as they remained unemployed and
were willing to utilise their leisure to such advantage.

5.    Post-Graduate Course.—I should like to point out again for
the consideration of Government, the imperative necessity of our
Graduates in Government employ attending some sort of Refresher
Course in this College, as is in vogue in other Provincial Veterinary
Colleges. The shortcomings of these field workers and the inevitable
process of decline in their knowledge of Veterinary Science are only
too patent to those who experience almost daily evidence of their mis-
understandings in the work, especially of a laboratory nature. A
Refresher Course of some kind is necessary to get them at par with
the knowledge of recent advances in Veterinary Science.

6.     Since the advent of the Disease Investigation Officer to this
Province, every facility possible has been accorded him and a separate
room has been allotted to him for carrying on his duties.

7.     Research.—In research carried out in this College as to the
causation and other cognate factors relating to diseases of doubtful
or unknown etiology, all work pertaining to laboratory evidence has
been most efficiently done by the Laboratory Assistant under my
direction. Much has, therefore, been gleaned from such work, from
which instructive data will follow and be published in due course.

8.     Rabies.—During the year under review 79 brains of dogs and
other animals (suspected and clinically confirmed cases of rabies),
received from the College Hospital, District Veterinary Assistant
Surgeons, Police and private individuals, were prepared and examined
microscopically. Diagnoses were confirmed positive in 46 cases and the
parties concerned were immediately informed and recommended to
undergo anti-rabic treatment (vide Appendix A).

9. Examinations of Specimens.—Altogether 750 specimens of
blood, fæces, urine, skin-scrapings and other morbid materials were
received from the College hospital, District Veterinary Assistant