4.     Lecturers.—The results of the examinations were sufficiently
satisfactory to prove the continued application of their best in the
department of teaching and although it is somewhat difficult to parti-
cularise, I feel that Mr. S. N. Sinha requires special mention for his
unfailing willingness to accept and intelligence to compete with ever
greater responsibilities. Also Mr. A. Latiff put into his work during
the year a ready keenness which is most praiseworthy.

5.     Manager.—This officer continued to work as usual at full pres-
sure, not only in looking after the students but in each and every branch
of the activities of this College which comes under his supervision. The
amount of patient and self-sacrificing labour he puts into his efforts to
increase our revenues and to economise on our expenditure is most
deservingly praiseworthy.

6.     Hospital Surgeons.—The officer in charge of the Dog Ward,
Mr. G. S. Banerjee, deserves credit for having got through during the
year an enormous amount of work most efficiently performed.

7.     Laboratory Assistant.—As previously mentioned in the body of
the Report, the officer concerned here, Mr. K. K. Banerjee, worked most
painstakingly and at any and all hours required, not only for routine
duties but also in experimental work which is at times most exacting
both as to the necessity of accuracy but also of taking and making re-
cords even late into the night. During the latter part, especially of the
year under report, his time and patience were severely taxed and credit
is therefore due to him for the ready and intelligent way in which he
responded to the call.

8.     Office.—All praise is due to the officers in this section for the
extraordinary amount of work they got through with so few serious
mistakes during the year. The Head Assistant and Accountant
especially had very few hours indeed of leisure, and I am personally
more than grateful to them all for their unselfish labour in all sections.

                                A. D. MAC GREGOR, F.R.C.V.S., I.V.S., F.Z.S.,

                                         Principal, Bengal Veterinary College.