in investigating the histories of the cases admitted. In 1919,
1920 and 1921, there were 145, 186 and 115 cases under these
heads, respectively. In Indian Asylums, however, there must
always be a certain number of patients with a defective history
as a large number are vagrants.


12. Two patients managed to escape during the year.
They were both non-criminal lunatics and harm-
less. They both effected their escape while
working in the garden. One has since been
brought back to the Asylum.


13. Three patients committed suicide by

Cash accounts.

14. There was an increase on account of salaries as com-
pared with the preceding year, amounting to
Rs. 3,500 under the head "Superintendence"
and Rs. 9,000 under " Establishment," due, in
the case of the former, to the enhancement of the pay of the
Superintendent and the appointment of a whole-time Deputy
and Assistant Deputy Superintendent, and, in the case of the
latter, to the introduction during the year of a revised scale of
pay for warders.

The amount expended on the diet of the patients is approxi-
mately the same as that in 1921, viz., Rs. 1,27,000. The cost
of clothing of the patients fell by Rs. 6,700 and a reduction was
also effected under the heads " Medicines ", " Contingencies
proper ", and " Repairs and Maintenance ". The taxes, however,
increased by about Rs. 300. A further increase is expected on
account of canal water rates for land now brought under culti-
vation. An increase in the telephone charges has also to be met.


15.     There is a falling off of Rs. 5,783 in the receipts from
paying patients as compared with 1921. The
reduction is, however, only nominal, for the sums

due from local bodies on behalf of paying patients were actually
greater in 1922 than in 1921. The receipts for 1921 included
Rs. 5,183, paid direct to the Asylum by the Lahore Municipality
instead of by a book adjustment.

16.     The Public Works Department charges for minor
works and annual repairs amounted to Rs. 12,500 as compared
with Rs. 7,000 in 1921, and Rs. 67,000 in 1920, the heavy
charges in 1920 being due to the construction of the New Tuber-
cular Section.

Major Works.—No new major works were completed in
1922, but work has been started on the new criminal section,
which it is hoped will be completed in 1923.