4.    The profits of manufactures carried on in the Asylum
show a creditable increase. They stood at Rs. 12,000 in 1921,
Rs. 17,800 in 1922, and Rs. 18,800 in 1923. The possibilities
of increasing these profits are, of course, limited, but in view of
the heavy cost of the Asylum to Government it is desirable that
they should be as large as possible and the Punjab Government
(Ministry of Education) are glad to note that the manufactures
are being conducted on business lines.

5.    This Government desire to place upon record their ap-
preciation of the good work done by the late Major J. F. Flem-
ing, I.M.D., of whom mention was made in the review on the
last triennial report; Major H.W.V. Cox, I.M.D., and Captain
C. J. Lodge-Patch, I.M.S., who successively held charge of the
Asylum during the period under review. The services of Mr.
Thomas, the Deputy Superintendent of the Asylum and the un-
selfish devotion of the Revd. Mother Superior and the Fran-
ciscan sisters are also worthy of mention.

ORDER.— Ordered that a copy of the report and of the
foregoing remarks be forwarded to the Government of India,
Home Department, for information, also that the review be
published in the Punjab Gazette.

Ordered also that a copy of the foregoing remarks be
forwarded to the Inspector General of Civil Hospitals, Punjab,
for information.

By order of the Government (Ministry of Education).

FAZL-I-HUSAIN,                            A. LATIFI,
Minister for Education. Secretary to Government, Punjab,
                                                Transferred Departments.